Human Rights in Bangladesh
Human Rights are greatly violating in Bangladesh. Especially the rights are greatly violating by the ruling government at this time. Civil and Political rights are at risk by the current repressive regime. Because, women are repressed by the law enforcers agencies and by organizers of programes in different places of the country. The opposition women political activists are harrased and physically assulted by the law enforcing agencies with extreme support of the governemt. Disapperaence and cross fre are very common phenomenon in Bangladesh. The state order and justice system has already been collopsed. Because, there is no rule of law but the order of the ruling party's activist is law and rules. Several human rights organizations inclding Odhikar, warned the government to stop the violence against opposition and gteneral people by the law enforcers, otherwise they assumed that the country may enter into further political unrest and internal conflcit. Which may be prolonged in nature. For that reasons the overall econmic development may be impaired. Now the freeom of assemly, freedom of exprees, freedom of press are greatly threatend by the ruling government. So the young generation of Bangladesh and world community should come forword to save the democratic process of Bangladesh. Otherwise, the military junta may take power in the vacum of political crisis.
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