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There are three types of Muslims in the world today

Written By: Ajmal-Masroor
24/09/2013 1:54
Religion & Culture

1. Islam users: Muslims who use Islam to transform their life and improve their spiritual and mental well-being. They care about their relationship with God and invest their time and energy in getting closer to God. They form relationship with their fellow human beings not because of ulterior or material motives but for heavenly returns. They do not announce their piety and righteousness to the world. They constantly learn and improve their capacity to become more productive human beings. They are truly genuine Muslims. 

2. Islam abusers: They claim to be Muslims but the truth is they only use Islam and their Muslim identity to gain fame and fortune. They do not shape their life by the teachings of the Islam and they do not even adhere to the basics of Islam. In their personal life there is no sign of Islam at all. In fact their lifestyle contains active promotion of those habits that Islam clearly condemns. If you ask them about these, they twist the Quran and Hadith to suit their misguided lifestyle instead of humbly accepting the Islamic teachings. They misrepresent Islam, they concoct stories and statistics to exaggerate their claim. They claim to speak on behalf of Islam. They do not speak on behalf of the Muslims or Islam at all, they speak only for themselves.

3. Islam confusers: They are Muslims but confused between their cultural practices and Islamic teachings. They practice some parts of Islam and reject other parts. They give preference to their cultures and traditions. They do not like being told that if a cultural practice contradicts Islam, it is Islam that takes precedence. They become more devout on so called "holy days" and assign religious significance to symbols and superstitions. They prefer to have a holy man or saint (pir) to act as their intermediary instead of embracing a direct relationship with God. They may be sincere but their lack knowledge causes them to be confused. 

Ultimately, if you claim to be a Muslim, the path is simple - You embrace the teachings of Islam and you do your best to practice it. If you fall short, you ask God for help and support, you seek His forgiveness and start again. You learn and improve your life. You are just and fair with the people around you and you become Godly in everything you do. A simple formula for success yet so many people prefer to remain complex and confused! 

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Muslim Attitude and Behaviour 


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    Ajmal Masroor is an Author, Broadcaster, Relationship Counsellor , Politician and Imam based in London, UK. His facebook profile can be followed

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