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Coming Back was never this good !

Written By: Pothik
31/07/2015 16:25

I was outside the country for a while, may be for 3/ 4 months . I was a Robi user from the beginning. I was always aware of their existing offers all the time. I was a regular purchaser of their new offers and has always been satisfied with the service. When I moved abroad, I did not take my local sim with me, so it was switched off for 70 -80 days. After I came back home, while spending my time on facebook I got to know that robi has come up with their new offer named “win back”. Robi connections which remained unused for more than 60 days could get this offer. The offer was unbelievable! It says I might get 1 gb internet at taka 9 only! I was surprised, could not wait more, so I immediately dialed the number to get the offer and it was swift . I got my MB within a very short time. Speed was amazing! The best part of this offer was that I could avail this offer as much as I want  with 10 days validity each. I was very happy and satisfied. Still I am using this offer and will be taking it until it ends.

Truly coming back was never this good. 

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    আমি ভীষন মাত্রায় পাগল । আমার কাছে এক অর্থে জীবন মানে যুদ্ধ । আমার প্রাপ্তি আমি বাংলায় কথা বলতে পারি । আমার স্বাধীন ভূখন্ডে আমি মরতে পারবো । আমার কাছে ধর্ম হলো মানবতা আর রাজনৈতিক মতাদর্শ মানে আমি মানবতা দল এর সমর্থক । আমি খুবই সরল তবে এক অর্থে সরল মানুষরাই সবচেয়ে দুর্বোধ্য ।

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