

Introducing the Iqbal Sessions

Written By: Fugstar
20/02/2014 11:59

Salam, these lectures were organised in London in December 2009 and are of interest to people drawn to philosophy, theology, politics and psychology.   Session 1 Muhammad Iqbal: Islam, Aesthetics and Postcolonialism Session 2 A vitalist....    Full story...

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The second set of demands by Hefazot

Written By: Fugstar
19/02/2014 16:21
Burning Issue

Assalamoulaykum   I hope you may help me get hold of the bangla and/or english for the second set of demands... over which HI marched that terrible day in May. I remember that it was slightly different, and included a point abotu the protection of dignity and property of different....    Full story...

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Reading Shah Ali Farhad in London

Written By: Fugstar
19/02/2014 16:13
Law and Order

With the brutality of the illegitimate Awami League Government of Bangladesh slothfully crawling onto a more international radar, a young(ish) lawyer from the hyper nationalist ICSF group puts forth a rather long winded legalistic article to pooh-pooh an idea that the government of Bangladesh has....    Full story...

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What's next with Jamaat e Islami Bangladesh?

Written By: Fugstar
24/07/2013 0:30
Burning Issue

22.7.13   It is a challenging time for political Islam generally these days, with the coup in Egypt, #Occupygezi in Turkey and the continuing annihilation policy against Jamaat e Islamic in Bangladesh. Internal shortcomings and external forcings have contributed....    Full story...

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