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Indian cow urine drink

Written By: elite
04/04/2015 16:24 04/04/2015 16:19
Foreign Relations

Cow urine drinkAlthough India have 65% cattle of the world, their supply of cow urine drink is still less than the demand. For increasing the supply the Government took a historical step. They banned consumption of beef all over the country. Hopping this will stop killing cows and the urine supplies will increase. Some intellectuals in India claim Indian cricket team lost the match against Australia because their urine supply ran out and new supply did not arrive on time. The team manager defended himself by blaming Australian customs who did not believe that human in modern era can drink cow urine. So they kept the whole lot to send a sample to laboratory to find what that actuality is. The team manager attempted an alternative supply from Australian supermarkets but failed. Please note, Cow urine is bottled and sold as a drink in India. (See the picture)
Later Indian Government found a lot of cows are exported and smuggled to Bangladesh. Those cows could potentially produce a noticeable amount of urine. Considering this, Indian home minister Mr. Rajnath Singh declared that they must stop sending cows to Bangladesh. He also insisted people of Bangladesh to stop eating beef. Several indian politicians, intellectuals and many social organizations welcomed this decision and they hope this will increase the cow urine supply. They are also planning to export the product to the countries like Australia where Indian people miss the taste and flavor of cow urine.

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  • Name: S.M. Elite
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