

Body Language in an Interview - Do’s and Don’ts

Written By: farjan
18/08/2015 9:22

In an interview body language says a lot about a person. You can spend lots of time preparing answers to questions you think might get asked, but at the end of the day, if your body language does not come across well to the interviewer, you will be left applying for more jobs. First....    Full story...

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Blogger and its goings-on

Written By: farjan
04/06/2015 23:06 04/06/2015 23:01

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the definition of blog is ‘ A regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversional style’ In a short view,  A Blog is a shortened version of....    Full story...

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Hopes of youth generations’ in Bangladesh

Written By: farjan
04/06/2015 23:02 17/05/2015 22:39

The youth generation of 21th century’s  has become an eloquence docile group indeed.  They have been more diverged in focus on aphorism in the true reality which phenomenon is obvious in our present circumstances. They do not get frightened to doff the dissent conditions. The....    Full story...

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About farjan

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  • Name: Farjanul Haque
  • From: Dhaka
  • Nationality: Bangladesh
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    Live like a king. I am the king of my own kingdom. That is enough for me to carry on my life.


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