

Dear PM Modi, it is time to thank Bangladesh for embracing its Indian immigrants

Written By: SNM Abdi
11/03/2016 20:47
Neighbours and Borders

Unable to sign the Teesta River Water Sharing Treaty, Narendra Modi will come across as impotent as Manmohan Singh during his 6-7 June state visit to Bangladesh. On the Mamata Banerjee front, though, Modi has fared somewhat better than Singh. But Banerjee has clearly....    Full story...

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50 years ago today, Indira Gandhi got the Indian Air Force to bomb its own people

Written By: David Buhril
05/03/2016 16:56
Neighbours and Borders

The attempt to quell an uprising left deep scars on the collective memory of Mizoram, and led to an insurgency that lasted 20 years. Photo Credit:Representational picture. Natesh Ramaswamy   March 5 marks the 50th anniversary of the bombing of Aizawl – the first air raid by....    Full story...

24021 views 0 comments

BJP secret meeting on Bangladesh

Written By: Devadeep Purohit and Radhika Ramaseshan
05/03/2016 11:38
Neighbours and Borders

- Session at resort near Calcutta to gauge minority situation Devadeep Purohit and Radhika Ramaseshan March 2: Ram Lal, a joint national general secretary of the BJP, held a secret meeting with some opinion-makers from Bangladesh at a resort near....    Full story...

24102 views 0 comments

Smriti Irani misrepresented my work in her speech': Sarmila Bose

Written By: Sarmila Bose
29/02/2016 0:38
Neighbours and Borders

Image: Irani (left) and Bose (right)   The HRD minister of India Smriti Irani is accused of misinterpreting the contents of the academic's book on Bangladesh during the debate on free speech. On February 24, 2016, in the Lower House of the Indian parliament, Smriti Irani,....    Full story...

22797 views 0 comments

What Doval-Modi team is planning to win elections

Written By: Pushp Sharma
28/02/2016 19:20 28/02/2016 19:19
Neighbours and Borders

A secret plan has been laid down to target peripheral team members of the Dawood syndicate. Criminals and suspended cops will be used for covert operations leaving no traceable evidence. Though shockingly simple, but it’s a strategic move to protect the ghost killers from trial, be it media....    Full story...

24084 views 0 comments

Bangladesh is the 5th Highest Nations Sending Remittances to India

Written By: Silicon India
27/02/2016 17:17
Neighbours and Borders

Bangalore: Money is the most basic requirement for our well being. Most of the Indian parents sent their children to other countries for their higher education and for job purposes. In fact, the amount of salary a person earns not only depend on his hard work and dedication but also depend....    Full story...

29835 views 0 comments

India to allow minorities from Pakistan, Bangladesh to stay without papers

Written By: PTI
27/02/2016 16:25

Ever since Prime Minister Narendra Modi government came to power in May last year, several steps including issuance of Long Term Visa (LTV) for these refugees have been initiated.  India today decided to allow minority refugees from Bangladesh and Pakistan to stay in this country even....    Full story...

23256 views 0 comments

Hindu refugees encounter suspicion and indifference in India

Written By: Uzair Hasan Rizvi
27/02/2016 16:15

Searching for identity in India: Hindu refugees from Pakistan encounter suspicion and indifference Facing religious persecution across the border, hundreds of Hindu migrate from Pakistan, hoping to find citizenship and acceptance – only to find their dreams shattered. “When I....    Full story...

21573 views 0 comments

1971 Bangladesh war: RAW heroes India forgot to honour

Written By: R K Yadab
28/12/2015 12:53

Government must recognise the contribution of RN Kao and his officers, Writes Former RAW officer and author of Mission R&AW. 16-12-2015 Both India and Bangladesh celebrate December 16 as victory day when Pakistan army was defeated in 1971 war. That is as it should be. But both....    Full story...

24138 views 0 comments

Indian cow urine drink

Written By: elite
04/04/2015 16:24 04/04/2015 16:19
Foreign Relations

    Although India have 65% cattle of the world, their supply of cow urine drink is still less than the demand. For increasing the supply the Government took a historical step. They banned consumption of beef all over the country. Hopping this will stop killing cows and the urine....    Full story...

25974 views 1 comments

India’s dark secrets

Written By: Ajmal-Masroor
23/01/2014 11:07
Foreign Relations

Every country has its weaknesses and strengths but Indian weaknesses are increasing looking deliberate and callous. I have some questions that I have been raising with many of my Indian friends but they have failed to give me adequate answers. I would like to share them with you and may be you....    Full story...

23760 views 0 comments

India’s stance, ground reality and constitutionality

Written By: NazirAhmed
06/01/2014 22:33
Law and Order

Terming yesterday's parliamentary polls as "constitutional requirement", India today reiterated its position that the ‘democratic processes must be allowed to take their own course in Bangladesh.’ ‘Elections in Bangladesh on 5th January were a ‘constitutional....    Full story...

25992 views 0 comments


Written By: NazirAhmed
14/11/2013 22:09

History tells us that the ends of the governments with two-third brute majorities have not gone well in the Indian Sub-Continent.  In India, Indira Gandhi’s government once got the two-third majority in Parliament but that resulted in her declaring state of emergency.....    Full story...

26064 views 0 comments

Narendra Modi’s anointment lifts Hindutva curtain

Written By: HarunurRashid
19/09/2013 19:15 19/09/2013 19:14

So the play of Narendra Modi aka Na Mo is on. And if he finally makes it to Delhi, which is very likely to happen, India’s secularist mask will receive a sudden jolt for the second time in the last 66 years of independence. The most jubilant section of Modi’s backers are the RSS and....    Full story...

29394 views 0 comments

We are ‘friends’ and friends we shall remain!

Written By: HarunurRashid
12/09/2013 18:19
Foreign Relations

You see what is important is friendship and one ought to learn how to sacrifice everything for friendship. What if one Felani is hanging from the barbed wire, we can afford hundreds of Felanis to hang from the barbed wires to the full view of the world and still prove it’s a friendship....    Full story...

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